On Saturday, February 3rd, Houston tech entrepreneurs gathered at The Cannon. On the surface, that sounds like a pretty normal day on our campus. This instance, however, proved unique. Instead of gathering around the watering hole, these guys were gathering for a conference hosted by Houston Tech Talks.
Founded by Devon Fanfair and partner Miles Dotson, Houston Tech Talks aims to provide Houston entrepreneurs access to resources that build an inclusive, diverse, and successful environment for software and technology. Devon and Miles brought together local like-minded entrepreneurs to share their experiences and discuss Houston’s technology and startup environment. Naturally, we at The Cannon were eager to get involved.
The team at Houston Tech Talks feels something stirring in Houston. The way they see it, Houston is ripe for a tech explosion. A new wave of diverse founders will be instrumental players in this movement. Houston Tech Talks wants to provide Houston techies and entrepreneurs access to resources that build inclusive, diverse and successful environment for software and technology. Houston Tech Talks will host conference events with panels, Q&A sessions, idea sessions, and the chance to network with tech professionals, entrepreneurs and VCs. Saturday’s session was just the start.
Houston Tech Talks is a project powered by Devland, a digital agency providing innovation, design, and development services to startups and business. Their goal in helping founders de-risk their business opportunity and identify resources is further echoed through their efforts with Houston Tech Talks. Devland believes that existing Houston tech activity is siloed and in need of a common information and resource platform. They feel that Houston has the potential to surpass other tech markets in the very near future given its geography and large concentration of wealth and resources. Houston Tech Talks provides that crucial platform for common growth.
The initial Houston Tech Talks conference proved successful and true to its mission. Techies talked over fajitas, commiserating over the tough terrain most entrepreneurs travel and celebrating the indomitable spirit so inherent to the innovator. Employees from Cannon companies like Croozen and FanReact discussed what works for tech workers in Houston, and more importantly, what could be improved. Most impressive was the air of determination. Those gathered stood determined to personally affect the change they wished to see in Houston’s tech climate. Here’s hoping Houston Tech Talks continues to provide such an environment for candid discussion and calls to action. If this conference was any indication, the future of Houston’s tech scene looks bright.